| | | Add new feature "Show call relationship"
| | | Fix issue of "UNION" clause
| | | Add config to support case sensitivity MSSQL parsing issues fixing
| | | Update the start script for MacOS to avoid start error of regular version
| | | Fix bugs about indirect relations and subquery
| | | Fix bugs to enable the usage of outer apply
| | | Fix the bug when sqlflow-submitter exports lineage into csv/json file
| | | Fix bugs and make compatible with old sqlflow submitter
| | | Add ignore_user_token flag in the gudu_sqlflow.conf, on-premise user may disable the token check if set this flag to true.
| | | Integrate front package into the backend server, no nginx proxy is required for client server Default port for the sqlflow is changed to 8165 Team management system enhancement, enabling work group and users must be logged in to use the system. backend.sh script improvement. Enabling the Ram value specification. License adds a setting for the maximum number of users.