Export the data lineage result


When the job status is success, you can export the data lineage in json, csv, graphml formats

Export data lineage in json format


Example in Curl:

SQLFlow Cloud Server

curl -X POST "https://api.gudusoft.com/gspLive_backend/sqlflow/job/exportFullLineageAsJson" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "jobId=c359aef4bd9641d697732422debd8055" --output lineage.json

SQLFlow on-premise version

curl -X POST "" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "jobId=c359aef4bd9641d697732422debd8055" --output lineage.json


If you want to get table to table relation, please add option -F "tableToTable=true"

Export data lineage in csv format


Example in Curl:

SQLFlow Cloud Server

curl -X POST "https://api.gudusoft.com/gspLive_backend/sqlflow/job/exportFullLineageAsCsv" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "jobId=c359aef4bd9641d697732422debd8055" --output lineage.csv

SQLFlow on-premise version

curl -X POST "" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "jobId=c359aef4bd9641d697732422debd8055" --output lineage.csv


If you want to get table to table relation, please add option -F "tableToTable=true"

If you want to change csv delimiter, please add option -F "delimiter=<delimiter char>"

Export data lineage in graphml format


you can view the lineage graph at yEd Graph Editor.

Example in Curl:

SQLFlow Cloud Server

curl -X POST "https://api.gudusoft.com/gspLive_backend/sqlflow/job/exportLineageAsGraphml" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "jobId=c359aef4bd9641d697732422debd8055" --output lineage.graphml

SQLFlow on-premise version

curl -X POST "" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "jobId=c359aef4bd9641d697732422debd8055" --output lineage.graphml


If you want to get table to table relation, please add option -F "tableToTable=true"

Last updated