Job Interface

Simple job rest API

1. Submit a sqlflow job

Call this API by sending the SQL files and get the result includes the data lineage. SQLFlow job supports both of multiple files and zip archive file.


Example in Curl

curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "sqlfiles=@FIRST FILE PATH" -F "sqlfiles=@SECOND FILE PATH" -F "dbvendor=dbvmssql" -F "jobName=job1"


  • -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" is required

  • Add @ before the file path

Sample response:

		"createTime":"2020-12-15 15:14:39",

Please records the jobId field.

2. Get job status


Example in Curl

curl -X POST "" -F "jobId=c359aef4bd9641d697732422debd8055" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE"

Sample response:

  	"createTime":"2020-12-15 15:14:39",

Example in Curl

curl -X POST "" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE"

Sample Response:

  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "total": 2,
    "success": 2,
    "partialSuccess": 0,
    "fail": 0,
    "jobIds": [
    "jobDetails": [
        "jobId": "939fdbbaf52b45139b86c0761d6036b0",
        "jobName": "yuanhao1",
        "userId": "auth0|632xxxx",
        "userEmail": "",
        "dbVendor": "dbvoracle",
        "showRelationType": "fdd",
        "ignoreRecordSet": true,
        "dataflowOfAggregateFunction": "direct",
        "showConstantTable": false,
        "showTransform": false,
        "ignoreFunction": true,
        "fileNames": [
        "createTime": "2022-10-04 10:45:04",
        "status": "success",
        "sessionId": "24a4455c71fa35c0393d5747f9c23a9d99f32fa4c130a6b8da8d6a7db8d157ae_1664880305725",
        "executeTime": "0min 1sec",
        "executeTimeMillis": 0,
        "onTop": false,
        "parallel": false,
        "persist": false,
        "incremental": false,
        "schedulable": false,
        "cancelSchedule": false,
        "lastExecuteTime": "2022-10-04 10:45:05",
        "subJobs": [],
        "version": "5.2.0"
        "jobId": "44bf162fc5e04ab68289e6e784875203",
        "jobName": "sqlserver sample lineage",
        "userId": "auth0|6326xxxx",
        "userEmail": "",
        "dbVendor": "dbvmssql",
        "showRelationType": "fdd",
        "ignoreRecordSet": true,
        "showConstantTable": false,
        "showTransform": false,
        "ignoreFunction": true,
        "fileNames": [
        "createTime": "2022-09-18 06:46:20",
        "status": "success",
        "sessionId": "e1bc494a6f683c9e724c5f018d2a0c96d80304a3ddb025caf87dc1ac19e1a785_1636819107871",
        "hasMetadata": true,
        "executeTime": "0min 10sec",
        "executeTimeMillis": 0,
        "onTop": false,
        "parallel": false,
        "persist": false,
        "incremental": false,
        "schedulable": false,
        "cancelSchedule": true

3. Export data lineage

When the job status is success, you can export the data lineage in json, csv, graphml formats


Example in Curl

curl -X POST "" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "jobId=c359aef4bd9641d697732422debd8055" --output lineage.json


If you want to get table to table relation, please add option -F "tableToTable=true"

Sample Response is a file in Json format:

					"name":"QUERY INSERT-1",

Example in Curl

curl -X POST "" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "jobId=c359aef4bd9641d697732422debd8055" --output lineage.csv


If you want to get table to table relation, please add option -F "tableToTable=true"

If you want to change csv delimiter, please add option -F "delimiter=<delimiter char>"


Example in Curl

curl -X POST "" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "jobId=c359aef4bd9641d697732422debd8055" --output lineage.graphml


If you want to get table to table relation, please add option -F "tableToTable=true"

Regular job rest API

1. Submit a regular job

Call this API by sending the SQL files and get the result includes the data lineage. SQLFlow job supports both of multiple files and zip archive file.

Set incremental=true If the job is incremental.

  • jobId should be null for the first submit and please note down the jobId field from response message

  • jobId cannot be null for next submit. Give the jobId which is returned in the first submit response.


Example in Curl

curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "sqlfiles=@FIRST FILE PATH" -F "sqlfiles=@SECOND FILE PATH" -F "dbvendor=dbvmssql" -F "jobName=job1" -F "incremental=true"

Incremental submit in Curl

curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F "userId=YOUR USER ID HERE" -F "token=YOUR TOKEN HERE" -F "sqlfiles=@FIRST FILE PATH" -F "sqlfiles=@SECOND FILE PATH" -F "dbvendor=dbvmssql" -F "jobName=job1" -F "incremental=true" -F "jobId=JobId OF FIRST SUBMIT"


  • -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" is required

  • Add @ before the file path

Return data:

		"createTime":"2020-12-15 15:14:39",

Please records the jobId field for the further usage.

Last updated