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Sample response:
hint: Ignoring the temporary table starting with "#" in sqlserver is a mandatory behavior, therefore it cannot be changed.
Submit a simple sqlflow job. Send the SQL files and get the data lineage result. SQLFlow job supports both of multiple files and zip archive file.
account name of the target database
Csv Format code, Format of a CSV file. used to represent the CSV in the Catalog, Schema, ObjectType, ObjectName, ObjectCode, Notes each column is the number of columns in the CSV file, does not exist it is 0. check https://www.gudusoft.com/blog/2021/09/05/sqlflow-csv/ for more detail
database metadata in the jdbc string
database vendor
, dbvbigquery
, dbvcouchbase
, dbvdb2
, dbvgreenplum
, dbvhana
, dbvhive
, dbvimpala
, dbvinformix
, dbvmdx
, dbvmysql
, dbvnetezza
, dbvopenedge
, dbvoracle
, dbvpostgresql
, dbvredshift
, dbvsnowflake
, dbvmssql
, dbvsparksql
, dbvsybase
, dbvteradata
, dbvvertica
default databse when there's no metadata
default schema
This parameters works under the resultset filtered by extractedDbsSchemas. List of databases and schemas to exclude from extraction, separated by commas database1/schema1,database2 or database1.schema1,database2 When parameter database is filled in, this parameter is considered a schema. And support wildcard characters such as database1/,/schema,/.
List of databases and schemas to extract, separated by commas, which are to be provided in the format database/schema; Or blank to extract all databases. database1/schema1,database2/schema2,database3 or database1.schema1,database2.schema2,database3 When parameter database is filled in, this parameter is considered a schema. And support wildcard characters such as database1/,/schema,/.
A list of stored procedures under the specified database and schema to extract, separated by commas, which are to be provided in the format database.schema.procedureName or schema.procedureName; Or blank to extract all databases, support expression. database1.schema1.procedureName1,database2.schema2.procedureName2,database3.schema3,database4 or database1/schema1/procedureName1,database2/schema2
A list of stored views under the specified database and schema to extract, separated by commas, which are to be provided in the format database.schema.viewName or schema.viewName. Or blank to extract all databases, support expression. database1.schema1.procedureName1,database2.schema2.procedureName2,database3.schema3,database4 or database1/schema1/procedureName1,database2/schema2
db hostname
db password
db port
whether ignore Function
whether ignore Record Set
Character to specify the SQL content, default is "
specifies the string to escape in case of objectCodeEncloseChar in the SQL, default is ".
whether set the job on the top
whether parallelly process the job. Parallel processing will lead to a high performance while decreasing the lineage accuracy.
whether show constant table
show relation type, required false, default value is 'fdd', multiple values seperated by comma like fdd,frd,fdr,join. Availables are 'fdd' value of target column from source column, 'frd' the recordset count of target column which is affected by value of source column, 'fdr' value of target column which is affected by the recordset count of source column, 'join' combines rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them
whether show Transform
sql source
The token is generated from userid and usersecret. It is used in every Api invocation.
Whether treat the arguments in COUNT function as direct Dataflow
the user id of sqlflow web or client