Analyze data linege from a database

The dlineage tool can connect to the database instance and analyze the metadata to generate the data lineage automatically.

Connect and analyze data lineage

Use /fromdb parameter to export metadta from the database.

/fromdb parameter:

-dbVendor: Database type, Use colon to split dbVendor and version if specific version is required. (:, such as dbvmysql:5.7)

-host: Database host name (ip address or domain name)

-port: Port number

-db: Database name

-user: User name

-pwd: User password

-extractedDbsSchemas: Export metadata under the specific schema. Use comma to split if multiple schema required. We can use this flag to improve the export performance.

-excludedDbsSchemas: Exclude metadata under the specific schema during the export. Use comma to split if multiple schema required (such as ,). We can use this flag to improve the export performance.

-extractedViews: Export metadata under the specific view. Use comma to split if multiple views required (such as ,). We can use this flag to improve the export performance.

/exportonly just export metadata.json, no further data analysis.

/metadataoutput specifies the metadata output directory and file name.

for example, connect to an Oracle database and analzye the data lineage.

java -jar data_flow_analyzer.jar /fromdb "-dbVendor dbvoracle -host -port 1521 -db orcl -user scott -pwd tiger"

Export the meatadata only

You can also export the meatadata from database and analzye the metadata in two steps:

  • Only export the metadta

java -jar data_flow_analyzer.jar /fromdb "-dbVendor dbvoracle -host -port 1521 -db orcl -user scott -pwd tiger" /exportonly  /metadataoutput metadata.json

the metadata.json exported in this step can also be used with /env paramter to resolve the ambiguous columns problem in SQL query.

  • analyze the metadta that generated in the previous step

java -jar gudusoft.dlineage.jar /t oracle /f metadata.json

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