Json Format Lineage Model

This page gives a detail reference of the data lineage response in Json format. Json lineage model can be returned by SQLFlow server or Dlineage tool with /json flag. The SQLFlow UI also get this result from the /sqlflow/generation/sqlflow/graph endpoint. Please refer to here for the XML response.

Let's get into details and check the data lineage json resposne:

1. Top level elements

	"code": 200,
	"data": {
		"mode": "global",
		"summary": {
		"sqlflow": {
		"graph": {
	"sessionId": "3bf4a61f5d41a016d0f91f28c2c1791d7100e1c159c31dab4e1f3bce603afd1c_1663684880303",
  	"jobId": "JobId",  
	"error": "error msgs",
  • code: Http Status code, 200 for OK. 4XX **** for cases in which the client seems to have erred such as no authorization or bad request. 500 for internal server error. Error messages would be present in error If the code is not 200 (request is not a success).

  • data: data payload

    • mode: data mode. Could be global or summary. Will be set to _ summary _ mode when the relation number exceeds the relation_limit

      • global show all data

      • summary only share the statics information and there's no graph information. No field data in the table and only table info. Users need to invoke REST Api to get the field data in detail.

    • summary: payload for statics information in summary mode

    • sqlflow: data model of the analysis result

    • graph: graph model of the analysis result

  • sessionId: session id, used to get the cache information in Query mode

  • jobId: job id, used to get the cache informaion in Job mode

  • error: contains error messages if the status code is not 200

2. Summary payload

"summary": {
	"schema": 1,
	"process": 2,
	"database": 0,
	"view": 1,
	"mostRelationTables": [{
		"table": "SMALL_ORDERS"
	}, {
		"table": "MEDIUM_ORDERS"
	}, {
		"table": "LARGE_ORDERS"
	"column": 43,
	"relationship": 41,
	"table": 7
  • database: database number

  • schema: schema number

  • table: table number

  • view: view number

  • column: column number

  • relationship: relationship number

  • process: process number

  • mostRelationTables: the top three tables which contain the most relationships

3. Sqlflow payload

"sqlflow": {
	"dbobjs": {
		"createdBy": "grabit v1.7.0",
		"servers": [{}]
	"relationships": [{}]

sqlflow payload contains two nodes. dbojbs and relationship.

  • dbojbs: metadata, contains information of instance, db, schema, table, view, storage procedure, function, trigger, dblink, sequence, ddl etc..

  • relationships: relationships after analyzing sql

4. Dbobjs payload

    "servers": [
            "name": "default_server",
            "dbVendor": "dbvmysql",
            "supportsCatalogs": true,
            "supportsSchemas": false,
            "databases": [{
                "name": "DEFAULT",
                "tables": [{
                    "columns": [{
                        "name": "field9",
                        "id": "110"
                    }, {
                        "name": "field1",
                        "id": "111"
                    }, {
                        "name": "field5",
                        "id": "116"
                    "id": "96",
                    "name": "table1",
                    "type": "table"
        }, {
            "dbVendor": "dbvmssql",
            "name": "default_server",
            "supportsCatalogs": true,
            "supportsSchemas": true,
            "databases": [{
                "name": "DEFAULT",
                "schemas": [{
                    "name": "HumanResources",
                    "tables": [{
                        "columns": [{
                            "name": "BusinessEntityID",
                            "id": "13"
                        }, {
                            "name": "HireDate",
                            "id": "14"
                        "id": "12",
                        "name": "Employee",
                        "type": "table"
        }, {
            "dbVendor": "dbvsupportschemaonly",
            "name": "DB_SERVER_SCHEMA_ONLY",
            "supportsCatalogs": false,
            "supportsSchemas": true,
            "schemas": [{
                "name": "OE",
                "tables": [{
                    "columns": [{
                        "name": "ORDER_ID",
                        "id": "57"
                    "id": "56",
                    "name": "ORDERS",
                    "type": "table"
                "packages": [{
                    "id": "26",
                    "name": "package1",
                    "procedures": [{
                        "name": "procedure1",
                        "type": "procedure"
                }, {
                    "id": "42",
                    "name": "package2",
                    "procedures": [{
                        "name": "procedure1",
                        "type": "procedure"

The top element of the dbobjs payload is an array and the array representing different server instances. For each server instance, we will have:

  1. dbVendor: database type

  2. name: instance name

  3. supportsCatalogs: whether support database (check here for more details on this flag)

  4. supportsSchemas: whether support schema (check here for more details on this flag)

  5. databases: present if support database

  6. schemas: present if database is not supported and only schema is supported.

  7. dbLinks: dbLinks will be present if the resposne json is generated from metadata. Will not be present If the response json is generated from dataflow

  8. queries: present if the response json is generated from metadata

  9. tables, columns, package, prcedure, argument, process: check here for more details

tips: the above structure is same as the servers part of the metadata result from Dlineage tool as well as Ingester.

DB Server Type

There are tree types for the server instance (same logic here):

  1. if supportsCatalogs=true,supportsSchemas=true:

    • server-->database-->schema-->tables/views/others/packages/procedures/functions/triggers

  2. if supportsCatalogs=true,supportsSchemas=false:

    • server-->database-->tables/views/others/packages/procedures/functions/triggers

  3. if supportsCatalogs = false, supportsSchemas = true:

    • server --> schema --> tables/views/others/packages/procedures/functions/triggers

Check here to get a full database list and the type details.

Procedure, Trigger and Function

Database node and Schema node may contain other information indicating the data of procedure, trigger, function

"others": [
        "id": "85",
        "name": "INSERT-SELECT-1",
        "type": "insert-select",
        "columns": [
                "id": "84",
                "name": "RelationRows",
                "coordinates": [
                        "hashCode": "0",
                        "x": 30,
                        "y": 8
                        "hashCode": "0",
                        "x": 31,
                        "y": 56
                "source": "system",
                "uiVisible": false
            }, ...

5. Relationship payload

Relationship is the atom unit of the data lineage. Relationship builds a link between the source and target column (column-level lineage).

A relation includes the type, target, sources and other attributes.

"relationships": [{
	"id": "56",
	"type": "fdd",
	"effectType": "insert",
	"target": {
		"id": "102",
		"column": "CL",
		"parentId": "52",
		"parentName": "MEDIUM_ORDERS",
		"coordinates": [{
			"hashCode": "0",
			"x": 31,
			"y": 36
		}, {
			"hashCode": "0",
			"x": 31,
			"y": 38
	"sources": [{
		"id": "90",
		"column": "CL",
		"parentId": "85",
		"parentName": "INSERT-SELECT-1",
		"coordinates": [{
			"hashCode": "0",
			"x": 31,
			"y": 21
		}, {
			"hashCode": "0",
			"x": 31,
			"y": 38
	"processId": "48"
  • id: relation id

  • type: relation type, could be fdd, fdr, join, or call

  • function: present if the relationship is about function

  • effectType: effect type of the relation, based on STMT

  • target: relation target, of RelationshipElement structure

  • sources: relation sources, belongs to RelationshipElement structure

  • caller: caller if the type is call, belongs to RelationshipElement structure

  • callees: callees if the type is call, is an array of RelationshipElement objects

  • processId: process id by which the relation is generated

  • timestampMin: the earliest time when the relationship is generated

  • timestampMax: the latest time when the relationship is generated


  • id

  • name

  • column

  • columnType

  • sourceId

  • sourceName

  • transforms: array of Transform

  • parentId

  • parentName

  • clauseType

  • function

  • type

  • coordinates

Check here for more details


6. Graph payload

"graph": {
    "relationshipIdMap": {
        "e0": ["5519", "fdd"],
    "elements": {
        "tables": [{
            "columns": [{
                "height": 16.0,
                "id": "n0::n0",
                "label": {
                    "content": "oid",
                    "fontFamily": "Segoe UI Symbol",
                    "fontSize": "12",
                    "height": 13.96875,
                    "width": 35.0,
                    "x": 0.0,
                    "y": 0.0
                "width": 160.0,
                "x": 575.0,
                "y": -565.9073
	    "id": "n4",
	    "label": {
		"content": "customers",
		"fontFamily": "Segoe UI Symbol",
		"fontSize": "12",
		"height": 17.96875,
		"width": 162.0,
		"x": 0.0,
		"y": 0.0
	    "width": 162.0,
	    "height": 57.96875,
        "edges": [{
            "id": "e0",
            "sourceId": "n9::n5",
            "targetId": "n5::n5"
    "tooltip": {},
    "listIdMap": {
        "n0": ["68"],
        "n0::n0": ["110"],
  • relationIdMap:

    • Mapping list between the graph ui id and the relationship id

  • listIdMap:

    • Mapping list between graph ui id and the graph model id

  • elements:

    • tables

      • id: table id, will be generated into UI model by mappings in the listIdMap

      • table: table name

      • width: table width

      • height: table height

      • x:table x-axis (horizontal) coordinate

      • y:table y-axis (vertical) coordinate

      • columns

        • id: columns id, will be generated into UI model by mappings in the listIdMap

        • x:column x-axis (horizontal) coordinate

        • y:column y-axis (vertical) coordinate

    • edges

      • id: edge id, mapped with relationship id and type through relationIdMap

      • sourceId: source column id

      • targetId: target column id

Dataflow.xml Structure

Last updated