Database Model
The database model will be generated when we read data from the database. The database model is similar to the lineage model and it contains extra db info.
"createTime":"", //export time
"createdBy":"sqlflow-exporter",//name of the export tool
"physicalInstance":"",//server address
"name":"",//server name
"dbVendor":"",//database type,possible values are: dbvathena,dbvazuresql,dbvbigquery,dbvcouchbase,dbvdb2,dbvgreenplum,dbvhana,dbvhive,dbvimpala,dbvinformix,dbvmdx,dbvmysqldbvnetezza,dbvopenedge,dbvoracle,dbvpostgresql,dbvpresto,dbvredshift,dbvsnowflake,dbvsparksql,dbvmssql,dbvsybase,dbvteradata,dbvvertica
"supportsCatalogs":false,//whether there's a database layer
"supportsSchemas":true,//whether there's a schema layer
"name":"",//database name
"name":"",//schema name
"name":"",//table name
"dataType":"",//column data type
"name":"",//column name
"comment":""//column comment
"name":"",//view name
"others":[//others, including resultset, variable, path etc
"name":"",//package name
"procedures":[//prcedures in the package
"functions":[//functions in the package
"triggers":[//triggers in the package
"synonyms":[//synonym list when there's no schema object, same structure as the above servers.databases.schemas.synonyms
"sequences":[//sequence list when there's no schema object, same structure as the above servers.databases.schemas.sequences
"tables":[//table list when there's no schema object, same structure as the above servers.databases.schemas.tables
"views":[//view list when there's no schema object, same structure as the above servers.databases.schemas.views
"others":[//others when there's no schema object, including resultset, variable, path etc. same structure as the above servers.databases.schemas.others
"packages":[//package list when there's no schema object, same structure as the above servers.databases.schemas.packages
"procedures":[//procedure list when there's no schema object, same structure as the above servers.databases.schemas.procedures
"functions":[//function list when there's no schema object, same structure as the above servers.databases.schemas.functions
"triggers":[//trigger list when there's no schema object, same structure as the above servers.databases.schemas.triggers
"schemas":[//schema list when there's no database object, same structure as the above servers.databases.schemas
"queries":[//DDL scripts in database
"errorMessages":[//errors during the exporting
The object under the server
block is same as Dbobjs in lineage model. Check Dbobjs to understand more about this field. Apart from the server
block, check following table for more details:
Field name | Description |
createTime | database model export time, usually it can be the time you execute the exportation |
createdBy | name of the export tool sqlflow-ingester v1.1.8 for example |
physicalInstance | your server address, 106.54.xx.xx for example |
errorMessages | errors during the exporting |
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