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generate sqlflow model
database vendor
, dbvbigquery
, dbvcouchbase
, dbvdb2
, dbvgreenplum
, dbvhana
, dbvhive
, dbvimpala
, dbvinformix
, dbvmdx
, dbvmysql
, dbvnetezza
, dbvopenedge
, dbvoracle
, dbvpostgresql
, dbvredshift
, dbvsnowflake
, dbvmssql
, dbvsparksql
, dbvsybase
, dbvteradata
, dbvvertica
simple output, ignore the intermediate results, defualt is false.
same as simpleOutput, but will keep output of the top level select list, default is false.
give the job Id if need to use the job settings and display the job graph
whether normalize the Identifier
whether return full data relationship. will return only summary info if set to false in case of exceeding the relation limit.
whether show constant table
show relation type, required false, default value is 'fdd', multiple values seperated by comma like fdd,frd,fdr,join. Availables are 'fdd' value of target column from source column, 'frd' the recordset count of target column which is affected by value of source column, 'fdr' value of target column which is affected by the recordset count of source column, 'join' combines rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them
whether show transform
sql text from which to generate the sqlflow model
The token is generated from userid and usersecret. It is used in every Api invocation.
Whether treat the arguments in COUNT function as direct Dataflow
the user id of sqlflow web or client
sql file from which to generate the sqlflow model