
Input different request parameters to the graph API to get different results:

We can observe the changes on parameters when switching different modes:

Configurable parameters when creating jobs or visualizing the SQL in SQL Editor

You will be able to set the config when creating data lineage with the SQL Edior as well as giving the configurable parameters under the setting section during the job creation.

Customizing parameters when visualizing your SQL:

Giving the configurable parameters under the setting section during the job creation:

Take the following sql as example:

SELECT count(sal) totalNum, sum(sal) totalSal 
FROM   scott.emp 

When we set all values as On and direct as the value in dataflow of count function when creating the job/visualizing the SQL, we will get following data lineage:

All direct dataflows and indirect dataflows are present in above data lineage. We show the functions in the sql and intermediate recordSets are shown.

The indirect dataflows will not be present if we turn Off indirect dataflow:

You can read more theory about what is direct dataflow/indirect dataflow and why aggrect function COUNT is different.

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