Basic Usage
A basic tutorial for using the Python version of the SQLFlow API.
Here is an advanced version of how to use Python to get the data lineage.
Python 2.7 or higher version must be installed and configured correctly.
Installing Dependency Libraries:
pip install requests
This demo shows how to get a token from a SQLFlow system that can be used to legally call other interfaces.
userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
userSecret: the userSecret of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
This is the user id that is used to connect to the SQLFlow server. Always set this value to gudu|0123456789
and keep userSecret
empty if you use the SQLFlow on-premise version.
If you want to connect to the SQLFlow Cloud Server, you may request a 30 days premium account to get the necessary userId and secret code.
set the parameters in the code
Connect to the SQLFlow Cloud Server:
Connect to the SQLFlow on-premise version:
start script
This demo shows how to get the desired SQL script analysis results from the SQLFlow system.
userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
userSecret: the userSecret of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
sqltext: sql text, required false
sqlfile: sql file, required false
dbvendor: database vendor, required true, available values:
dbvbigquery, dbvcouchbase,dbvdb2,dbvgreenplum,dbvhana,dbvhive,dbvimpala,dbvinformix,dbvmdx,dbvmysql,dbvnetezza,dbvopenedge,dbvoracle,dbvpostgresql,dbvredshift,dbvsnowflake,dbvmssql,dbvsybase,dbvteradata,dbvvertica
filePath: data lineage file path
set the parameters in the code
Connect to the SQLFlow Cloud Server:
Connect to the SQLFlow on-premise version:
start script
/f. the sqlfile path,required. eg: /f sql.txt
/o. the data lineage file type. default value is json, optional. eg: /o csv , /o json
python /f test.sql /o csv
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